Sunday, February 3, 2008

A few images from PCPA Show


robin said...

theyre all so vivid against the white. isnt it neat to see your kids hanging up in such a great setting?

Susan Bainbridge said...

It really is.... I just hope people come see the show!

Burnley said...

The cat looks great on the wall.

Burnley said...

It's a great space also. When does the show open? I'll be sending good thoughts!

Mernie said...

Your Tupac painting I noticed first.
It looks great on this expansive wall.
Nice to see Detroit and Marissa
at the start of the curving wall.
Beautiful colors are found here and are set off in this white room.
Is that letter B for Bainbridge or a

Thank You for the pictures,
I wish I could have made your show!