Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Made great headway on this commissioned painting today!

Thursday, November 29, 2007


I've been working on my painting of Zack which will hang with the Venus painting I did a few years back. Venus has sold, but the owner said I can borrow it for my upcoming show. Zack is the one on the left....

Monday, November 26, 2007

That crazy cat

Fun in my sketchbook! This began with layers of paint. I then transfered in a copy of my Detroit drawing (see my earlier blog) and a bird. Then I built up layers of paint and colored pencil.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

I am a creative, powerful, spiritual being.
I use the power of my intentions to thrive and to help others thrive.


Monday, November 19, 2007


I had an epiphany earlier this week and added a layer of rice paper over the background. I love how it creates a veil between the figure and her future and conversely it is a veil between Marissa as she is today and her past. Aaahhhhh, motherhood!


By day, I've been working on this painting and have made quite a few changes. At night I change it again in Photoshop. Sometimes I think I like the digital versions better.....

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Another painting, tweaked in Photoshop.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Deep Spirit

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

My Family, My Self

My drawing - My Family, My Self - tortured in Photoshop.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Fun at the Fair

Collage work

Sunday, October 28, 2007

After the fire....

...sticking close to home doing art on the computer.

Friday, October 26, 2007


This is a painting scanned and manipulated in Photoshop

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Using graphite powder with turpinoid on vellum, at Helen's suggestion.  Great media!
Funny...this boot ended up looking as if it had been worn by my foot (which it hadn't). It should've been much longer!

Santa Ana Winds


Saturday, October 20, 2007

Wood Nymph

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Last Week's drawing

Nude in Photoshop

Scanned a recent drawing and layered it in Photoshop with a painting made from dye drips.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Soaking up the Art

Turquoise, fine silver, Chrysacola and antique Tibetan ornaments
from Urban Organic Designs.

I'm not going to kid myself. I won't be making it to my studio today. If I do, it will be a bonus.

I DO plan to revel in and be inspired by a lot of art and artists at the Coronado Art Walk where my friend Valerie will be showing her gorgeous jewelry! Check out the beautiful pieces she and her sister put together:
Urban Organic Designs.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Wow! My own personal coach!

Handy dandy... he showed up in my email today. The incredible artist Robert Genn offered his services and for FREE! The advice he generously provides resonants with the daily self-talking I give myself only he words it so much better. Maybe I'll listen to him:

"Find a sanctuary where you can comfortably work.
Dedicate at least two hours a day to your art.
Have more than enough equipment and supplies.
Set short- and long-term goals and keep track of progress.
Think of your work as exercise, not championship play.
Explore series development and exhaust personal themes.
Work alone with the benefit of books and perhaps tapes.
Replace passive consumption with creative production.
Use your own intuition and master your technology.
Feel the joy of personal, self-generated sweat.
Fall in love with your own working processes.
Be forever on the lookout for the advent of style.
Try to be your own person and claim your rights.
Don't bother setting yourself up for rejection.
Don't swing too wildly and damage the well-being of others.
Don't jump into the ring until you're feeling fit.

If you can stick with this regimen for a couple of months, I
can pretty well guarantee your progress. If not, then at least
the exercise will let you know the job's not for you. "

He articulates so many of the important steps in the process of artmaking that one often isn't fully aware of. You, too, can get his artistic wisdom emailed directly to you twice a week by following the link below. He generates a stimulating discussion with many talented artists about the business of doing art. He also has an artist's directory which lists some of the best (and even me!)

the painterskeys.com community

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Today's excuse

Taught three classes today. I got to watch art blossom from my students as they colored in the drawings they started last week using brilliant chalk pastels. It is a rush, seeing them build color up on their black paper. Each one is unique: some somber, some tropical. These kids never seem like they're listening but their work ends up being phenomenal!

Then, I went to a memorial service for a friend who just couldn't take it anymore and killed himself. So.... no painting today!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A painting today...almost

I almost did it! I started a painting and kept it small (6"x6") so I could get it mostly finished. It's not quite there. It's really hard painting small, esp. with my shakey hands!

So much for painting daily

So much for painting daily - how do people do it?? First day- I get to my studio and end up helping a friend with a presentation she's doing for grad school.

Next day - on way to studio , stopped at library and checked out free online access to Ancestry.com. Spent the whole afternoon researching dead relatives (but, hey! I got a copy of my grandfather's WWI and WWII draft registration cards!) then realized that five hours of sleep the night before wasn't cutting it and headed back home.

Today... waiting for a chipper service .... waiting.....waiting....waiting


Friday, September 21, 2007

Ridley (detail) Acrylic June 2007

My friend Lyn keeps talking about the relevance of blogging and especially loves the Daily Painters blogging web site. I've decided to jump on board in my own way. God knows, my current marketing plan (occasionally entering juried art shows) isn't working.

My last painting, a portrait of my sister's dog, Ridley, took me weeks to paint! Will I be able to crank out a painting in a day??